Registrations & Statutory Compliances
We help our customers to get registrations required in various laws under one roof: |
- Registration with ROC (Registrar of companies)
- Registration under STP Scheme
- Registration under SEZ Act 2005
- Registration under PF and ESI
- Registration under Service Tax Act under the appropriate category.
- Registration under Shop & Establishment Act.
Statutory Compliances |
- STP Scheme (Software Technology Park Scheme)
- SEZ (Special Economic Zones)
- Service Tax
- Sales Tax / VAT (Value Added Tax)
- Central Excise
- Fringe Benefit Tax
- PF and ESI (Provident Fund and Employee State Insurance)
- Other statutory compliances applicable to the client.
In today’s environment of Corporate Governance, no one can afford to take chance in compliance of statutory filing/reporting requirements of various governing statutes. Statutory Auditor’s report also contains the reference of defaults made in compliance of statutory dues. We help in our client to focus on their core activity by taking care of their statutory compliance requirement. We have a strong team of professionals who have sound knowledge of the various statutes.