Fixed Assets related services
In the absence of an updated Fixed Assets Register, it is difficult for any company to keep control over the FA. If FA Register is not updated regularly for the addition and deletion during the year, it signals about the weak internal control over the FA’s and does not present the true and fair picture of FA in the Balance Sheet. Further, it may result into reporting by Statutory or Internal Auditor in their report.
We provide following services in this regard:
- Updation of existing FA Register and review of capitalization as per the provisions of AS-10 of ICAI.
- Tagging of FA.
- Preparation of FA Register, regular updation on half yearly basis and review of capitalization as per the provisions of AS-10 of ICAI.
- Reconciliation of FA Register with the physical verification results.
- Physical verification of FA (only if FA register is not being maintained by us).
- Compilation of discarded and/or obsolete items list